Parents » Emergency Information

Emergency Information

Emergency Information

We are very committed to providing a safe environment in which to instruct students. This information is provided to you to share some of the procedures we practice monthly in order to prepare for emergencies, as well as guidelines for you to follow in case an emergency occurs while your child is at school.

Practice Drills: Each month we practice an emergency drill (either fire, earthquake or lock down). If our Safety Committee feels we need more practice, additional drills are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Basically, we conduct three different kinds of drills:

  • Fire drills - Students are instructed to exit the buildings silently and in an orderly line. All classes meet at the park and assemble in an assigned spot.
  • Earthquake drills - Students practice “duck, cover, and hold” in their classrooms prior to exiting the buildings and meeting at the park. 
  • Lock down drills - Students practice staying in their classrooms with the doors locked and the window shades closed. We do not exit the buildings for lock down drills, but instead practice staying in and remaining as quiet as possible.

After each drill, we discuss how each class performed, teachers talk to their students about the drill, and the Safety Committee discusses any adjustments that need to be made.

Emergency Guidelines and Procedures: In the event of an emergency requiring you to pick up your child from school (such as an earthquake or other natural disaster) please follow these 5 steps:

  1. Remain calm. Our procedures and emergencies will go much smoother, children will become less upset, and we can take care of   critical needs quicker when adults maintain control.

 2.  Park safely on the street anywhere around our school. Allow space for emergency vehicles to get through.

 3. Walk to Fisher Park (at the back of the school) where you will find a table with a sign-out sheet for students. Staff will be there to assist you. Please be patient as each parent is assisted individually.

 4. Give us the name of your child and his/her teacher. You will be asked to sign him/her out while one of our “student runners” gets your child. Please remember that students will only be released to those adults listed on their emergency card.

  5. Please take your child carefully home, reminding him/her that everything will be okay.

Additional information: Please be assured that we have water, food, and emergency supplies to provide care for all the children for several days. Also, staff will be released as students are picked up, always maintaining an appropriate staff to student ratio to provide comfort and care to every child.

Evacuation Locations: Should we need to relocate, our two evacuation sites are:

  1. Family Church International: 127 W. Maple, Monrovia, CA 91016;

  2. Second Baptist Church: 925 S. Shamrock, Monrovia, CA 91016.

We appreciate your cooperation with these safety matters and are grateful for your support in providing Canyon Early Learning Center students with a safe and nurturing environment.